Month: July 2021
News . Events CONNECT supports the XV EDUCERE Congress

EDUCERE – National Congress of Education – is an event held every two years, with the objective of promoting reflections on educational training, practice and research in a globalized, diversified context with strong social demand.
In this XV EDUCERE, there will once again be a partnership with the VI International Seminar on Social Representations, Subjectivity, and Education – SIRSSE and the VIII International Seminar on Teacher Professionalization (SIPD/CÁTEDRA UNESCO), promoting discussions on the theme “Inspirations, spaces and times of Education”.
The theme “Inspirations, spaces and times of education” is strongly marked by all the changes we have experienced as a result of the pandemic, which has so altered our lives.
Supported by CONNECT project, the 2021 edition will be held from 27 to 30 September 2021 online and in-person in the city of Curitiba/Paraná/Brazil.
More information about the Congress at: