Month: November 2021
News . Events CONNECT at the 5th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference

On November 26, 2021, represented by CONNECT’s partner Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT), the project participated in the 5th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference, in particular to the virtual workshop #2: “Open Schooling through Integrating Science Actions in Formal and Non-formal Education”.
This Conference is developed by LUMEN Research Center in Social Humanistic Sciences, LUMEN Publishing House and LUMEN Conference Center, in collaboration with this edition co-organizers – National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania and the Teacher Training Department of the Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania. The conference will bring into debate the following educational sciences topics, but not limited to: 1. Educational policies 2. Initial and Continuing Teacher Training 3. Psychology of Education 4. Counseling Theories and Practices in Education 5. Fields of Pedagogy 6. Specialized Didactics 7. E-Learning and Software in Education