Category: Events
News . Events ECSITE Conference

Dr. Okada is presenting as invited speaker in the Pre-Conference workshop of the OS together, theme: “We love and believe in Open Schooling but, …” She will showcase science-actions led by girls with scientists in Europe and in Brazil supported by fun participatory approaches.
News . Events Open Education Global Conference in Nantes, France.

Dr. Okada is running a workshop to cocreate“CONNECT with 2030 Agenda: We Can’t Leave Girls Behind” 23rd May at 14h
See the agenda here: OEGLOBAL 2022 Programme
News . Events CONNECT at the 5th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference

On November 26, 2021, represented by CONNECT’s partner Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT), the project participated in the 5th LUMEN EDU International Online Scientific Conference, in particular to the virtual workshop #2: “Open Schooling through Integrating Science Actions in Formal and Non-formal Education”.
This Conference is developed by LUMEN Research Center in Social Humanistic Sciences, LUMEN Publishing House and LUMEN Conference Center, in collaboration with this edition co-organizers – National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania and the Teacher Training Department of the Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania. The conference will bring into debate the following educational sciences topics, but not limited to: 1. Educational policies 2. Initial and Continuing Teacher Training 3. Psychology of Education 4. Counseling Theories and Practices in Education 5. Fields of Pedagogy 6. Specialized Didactics 7. E-Learning and Software in Education
News . Events CONNECT at the Summer field school “Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management”

From 18 to 28 September, 2021, CONNECT partner VUT, participated in the Summer field school “Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management” online.
The “Summer Field School on Mountain Ecosystems and Resource Management” aims to build the capacities of future leaders (researchers, students, practitioners and scholars) examining the mountain ecosystems in contexts of human development and natural resources, principles of managing natural resources, and governing the resources for sustainable conservation.
Depicting on case studies from a wide range of the current natural resources across the globe, the program considers how different social, political, economic and cultural and gender aspects compete for and sustain the natural resources in mountain ecosystems. The program also examines how environmental activists and their interventions conserved parks, energy, water and land in the face of climate variability basing on a gender perspective.
The program will consider how the current international and development system elaborates and processes to sustainably manage the available natural resources in mountain landscapes.
The program aims at equipping researchers, students, practitioners and teachers seeking learning about mountain ecosystems and sustainable development, with practical approaches, knowledge and skills necessary for meeting challenges of sustainable use of natural resources globally.
This international training program will be executed in partnership of various academic and practice-oriented organizations.
News . Events “Virtual Media Technologies for the Post COVID-19 era”

ISMCR 2021 – International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics
PROGRAM (Advance) for A VIRTUAL Topical Event of Technical Committee on Measurement and Control of Robotics (TC17) International Measurement Confederation
THEME: “Virtual Media Technologies for the Post COVID-19 era”
Event Coordinators:
- Prof. Masahiko Inami/The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Prof. Simone Keller Füchter/University of Estácio de Santa Catarina -Brazil
Logistic Hosts: IEEE Region 5 Galveston Bay Section
Time: US Central (Houston, Chicago)
Updates of the program will be posted on www.ISMCR.ORG.
Registration is FREE and is available at but will close a week before the event.
Program (Advance)
6:00AM-11:00AM US-Central | 8:00AM-01:00PM Brazil | 1:00PM-6:00 PM Central Europe | 4:30 PM-9:30 PM India | 8:00PM-1:00AM Japan
News . Events CONNECT supports the XV EDUCERE Congress

EDUCERE – National Congress of Education – is an event held every two years, with the objective of promoting reflections on educational training, practice and research in a globalized, diversified context with strong social demand.
In this XV EDUCERE, there will once again be a partnership with the VI International Seminar on Social Representations, Subjectivity, and Education – SIRSSE and the VIII International Seminar on Teacher Professionalization (SIPD/CÁTEDRA UNESCO), promoting discussions on the theme “Inspirations, spaces and times of Education”.
The theme “Inspirations, spaces and times of education” is strongly marked by all the changes we have experienced as a result of the pandemic, which has so altered our lives.
Supported by CONNECT project, the 2021 edition will be held from 27 to 30 September 2021 online and in-person in the city of Curitiba/Paraná/Brazil.
More information about the Congress at:
News . Events CONNECT at the International Learning Lab webinar

CONNECT project will be introduced in the webinar “International Learning Lab” organised by VU University of Amsterdam on June 17, 2021 [from 15:30 to 18:30 CEST].
The event is an international gathering to discuss co-creation with communities in International contexts & celebrate the launch of the Aurora Service Learning Toolbox.
The event includes multiple interactive talks and workshops from experts on service learning. Students from 15 countries, 22 master programs, and 7 universities (4 Aurora Universities and 3 from Global South) will also present the outcome of their interdisciplinary community service learning projects.
Access the event in ZOOM > HERE
Meeting ID: 929 0599 5761
Passcode: ATHENA-CSL
News . Events 8th LSME International Research Conference on “Sustainable development and education”

The online Annual International Research Conference on “Sustainable Development and Education”, organised by the London School of Management Education (LSME), will take place on the 26th to 27th of August 2021.
This annual international conference on Responsible Research and Innovation and Education started in 2015 and has on average 6,000 members and brings together thousands of attendees.
This year’s Conference is the 8th of LSME’s International Research Conference series that have gained a well-deserved reputation for disseminating the Responsible Research and Innovations (RRI) concept and its warm welcome and inclusive approach towards researchers, scholars, and delegates alike. Offering a platform for exploring and evaluating ideas drawn from a wide range of cultural, economic, social and organisational perspectives, this conference encourages all participants to take an active role in the research process, both as contributors and consumers.
The objectives of the conference are:
- To provide an inclusive platform fostering an active community of researchers collaborating on issues of social significance and societal concern
- To advance the principles and practices of Responsible Research and Innovations (RRI) in support of researchers at all stages of their research journey
- To provide an open and accessible mechanism for sharing creative contributions to the research agenda across various subject matter and discipline areas.
More information about the Conference at:
LSME’s 8th Annual Conference seeks contributions from researchers active in and around the main conference theme of Democratic Participation in Educational Process and Sustainable Development. Within this broad thematic orientation, we encourage papers adopting empirical, experimental and theoretical perspectives, from researchers at all stages of the research process.
Topic areas we are particularly interested in (but not exclusively committed to) include:
- Management
- Lifelong Learning
- Socio-political policy and its impact on learning opportunities and outcomes
- Targeted education for sustainable development
- Economic and social impact of education
- Planning and provision for ‘the new normal’
- Future learning paradigms and implications
- Technology impacts in Education settings (e.g., Technology driving education driving technology)
- Education research
Interested parties are encouraged to submit a brief outline/abstract of their proposed contribution with a view to full participation and delivery of a conference paper for publication from the 2021 Conference Proceedings.
- The abstract should not exceed 400 words and should be followed by 4-6 keywords.
- The plagiarism report and declaration must be attached in the annexure.
- The cover page of the manuscript must contain the Title of the Paper, Author’s Name, Affiliation, Email Address. The paper should be typed in Font Style – Times New Roman, Font Size – 12, Line and Paragraph Spacing – 1.5 and 1.
- The total length of the full paper must not exceed 3500 words or 12 pages including Graphs, Tables, and Appendices.
- The cover page should not be a part of the paper so as to facilitate peer review of the paper.
- Submission of the manuscript will employ that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Submit your abstract and paper in MS-Word format to the email:
News . Events Free webinar “Looking to the future of youth coding and making in Europe” by COMnPLAY SCIENCE

“Looking to the future of youth coding and making in Europe” is the theme of the free webinar organised by COMnPLAY SCIENCE Project, in collaboration with the LearnML, on February 25th, at 10:30 cet.
Teachers, parents, policymakers, and other stakeholder communities are invited to discuss the potential of coding, making, and play-based non-formal and informal science learning activities. The challenges and opportunities for science education that emerged during the pandemic and look to the future for youth coding and making in Europe.
Topics covered
The webinar will cover topics such as:
- The vital role of creativity and play in non-formal and informal STEM learning
- Challenges and opportunities for informal science education that emerged during the pandemic
- Advancing Science literacies for children
And it will include an interactive playful workshop on privacy and personal data in the digital era.
Full agenda HERE