News . Events Open Schooling Declaration launched in Barcelona CICOS2023 Conference

More than 100 people signed the OSD Open Schooling Declaration

CONNECT, International Conference on Open Schooling.
foto: Jordi Play
The Declaration can be accessed and signed here in this link:
How was the declaration developed, refined and implemented?
On the 8th of June, fifteen members of OS Together discussed about the OSD – The Open Schooling Declaration, a comprehensive initiative aimed at advancing the open schooling movement. It seeks to raise awareness about the importance, objectives, methodologies, and relevance of open schooling across various forms of education. The OSD aims to strengthen open schooling by widely disseminating common principles, recommendations, and actions that promote the development of resources, technologies, methods, practices, and policies. Ten open schooling projects representatives participated in the declaration by providing feedback online synchronously and/or assynchronously.
The OSD comprises 12 global principles, along with a set of 14 recommendations and 40 actions. It is intended for various stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, education agencies, ministries, charities, universities, schools, STEM professionals, and third sector organizations such as museums and outdoor education providers.
The initial version of the OSD was initiated by the partners of the CONNECT project and subsequently improved with input from an External Advisory Board. It underwent a pilot test by partners and collaborators who shared examples from their practices related to the OSD.
The second version of the declaration was developed after three stages:
1. discussions and contributions from experts and practitioners within the Open Schooling Together (OST) community through online meetings both synchronous (8th of June) and asynchronous (12th – 19th of June) LINK HERE
2. discussion in Brussels (Open Schooling Showcase) with EU project Officers (26th of June) LINK HERE
3. Official launch at CICOS2023 Barcelona Event 6-7th of July – Declaration was signed by more than 100 people.
This collaborative process will result in a joint deliverable to be submitted tothe European Commission in December 2023
that acknowledges all the collaborators involved in shaping the declaration.
Our next step is to publish the declaration in various languages and collect 1000 signatures.
The inspiring session was led by The Open University, scientific coordinator of CONNECT
and supported by ECSITE the coordinator of OS Together network of 15 open schooling projects.
All project managers were invited and supported the final refinement of Declaration.
See a brief summary about our session on the 8th of June
What are our expectation about OSD declaration?
A common vision, sharing, new ideas, networking, collective knowledge,
Cooperation, collaboration, partnership, collective impact
Inspiration, curiosity, exchange of experiences, lessons learned, reconnecting colleagues,
What are our key questions?
- How to take OSD and OST forward?(CONNECT)
- How can we sustain our networks and projects? (ECSITE)
- Can we share guidelines about how to sustain our networks? (Multipliers)
- Can we have an impact – and map? Can we have a scale about projects? (CONNECT)
- Can we have a common definition adapted: bidirectional school⇔ society ? (ECSITE)
- Lets agree on a document to get input from everyone – as people need more time (Multipliers)
- Can we build on what we have achieved?(MOST)
- Can we use evidence from our projects’ evaluation to move forward?(MOST)
- Can we add the evidence/findings in the document?(MOST)
- What are the lessons learned from STEAMH ⇔ Sustainability projects to enhance learning and transform education?(MOST)
- Can we learning from each other and make the Most! (MOST)
- Can we have a set of common impact indicators? (CONNECT)
- How can the OSD document provide information/ key issues/ and practical (IT) solutions? (Levers)
- Can we create opportunities for engaging and training apart from dissemination and increasing awareness…?(Multipliers)
- How to empower people through significant personal development…? (Multipliers)
- Can we provide a structure to support our networks/project / as well as future projects? (CONNECT)
Our session was very interactive this was a summary of our Agenda
12:30 What and Why OSD with OTS? Ale Okada
12:35 Who can benefit from ODS? Rosina Malagrida
In what ways can OSD be used for ? Facilitator: Ale Okada & Peter Gray
12:40 Round-1: Sustaining OS:Phereclos, OSHub, Seas,
13:50 Round-2: Scaling OS: Sall, Most, Connect, Mio
13:00 Round-3: Supporting OS: Multipliers, PAFSE, Cosmos
13:10 Round-4: Coming Next: SLE, ICSE, LEVERS
13:20 Launch OSD Ale Okada
13:26 OST in Barcelona Greta Alliaj
15th of June OST members received the updated OSD for wide dissemination (ECSITE2023)
26th of June BRUSSELS Poster of OSD was presented at the OS Event led by OSTogether, including various projects MIO, SALL … & CONNECT
06th of July OST members launched the official launch of the OSD (CICOS2023)
29th of August OST members disseminating the OSD at the ESERA Conference
01st of September OST workshop to discuss practical ways to implement OSD
April 2022 1005 May 2023
Report link 2022 with 1005 students
Report link 2023 with 12509 students
The findings from the CONNECT-science study demonstrate a significant impact on students’ perspectives, knowledge, and skills based on their self-assessment.
The baseline study conducted in 2022 included 1005 students from five European countries (Brazil, Greece, Romania, Spain, and the UK). After one year of participation in the CONNECT project, it was observed that a majority of students (76%) had a positive view of science in their lives. By 2023, this number increased further to 80%.
The most notable impact was observed in terms of knowledge. In 2022, 38% of students reported feeling confident in their science knowledge, which rose to 53% in 2023. Regarding skills, particularly in conducting projects with experts and communities, 49% of students expressed confidence in 2022, and this figure slightly increased to 52% in 2023.
Teachers’ perspectives on student achievement provide various examples that highlight the higher level of skill development observed among students. These examples include inquiry-based learning, responsible research and innovation (RRI) competences, as well as digital and green skills.
Today, the results of the CONNECT project have been presented in a book at the EU seminar held at the European Commission. You can access the book at the following link: Link to the book of CONNECT results presented at the EU seminar at the European Commission: