This report presents an open schooling initiative on Biodegradable Plastics – A Solution for White Pollution, which was developed at Voievodul Mircea High School in Targoviste by Prof. Coşoveanu Francesca, Prof. Diaconescu Cristina, Prof. Dumitrescu Anca, Prof. Eftimie Cristina, Prof. Nae Florentina Laura, Prof. Oncioiu Diana and laboratory worker Ursăchescu Eugenia, during the period in the school year 2022-2023. The activities did not include a science professional. It was supported by Valahia University in Targoviste, Romania. This work was presented earlier in this article. Evidence of implementation can be found here and here.
Care: Students have been actively involved in scientific and educational activities on plastic pollution, a real-life problem that has a significant impact on quality of life. The students who participated in the activities were from grades IX-XI, aged between 15-18 years, being approximately 85 students participating.
Know: Students used knowledge about plastics discovered in the discipline of chemistry – phases of biodegradation of plastics, chemical composition of plastic, stages of making biodegradable plastic, results obtained by researchers on the period of decomposition of biodegradable plastic in nature, etc. (describe scientific topics). The competences that the students practiced were:
Do: At the end, students prepared posters, posters, thematic drawings, questionnaires, information campaign, research projects. They carried out the activities individually and in teams, being supported by their families, but also by volunteers from non-governmental organizations.
Findings related to the Open Schooling approach: The activities carried out during the implementation of the Connect project were included in the curriculum. We can also mention that the materials provided were useful in preparing and implementing lessons with students. The topic addressed in Year 3 was also relevant and innovative from a scientific and educational point of view, being debated globally. Thus, students had the opportunity to know and experience individually the ways in which they can get involved in preventing and combating environmental pollution. Open schooling could also be useful for other teachers because we can focus on transdisciplinarity and an exchange of good practices can be made between teachers who have implemented in year 2 and 3 and teachers who want to join us.
Student achievements: Students were enthusiastic to participate in volunteering and greening activities where they could observe, for example, the phases of biodegradation, but also connected with nature, helping to protect the environment and improve quality of life.
The students involved have formed their scientific research skills, actively participating in the realization of projects and studies on White Pollution, being able to apply the knowledge learned after going through the support materials.